Colors opposite to each other in a color scheme work together. The further you get into the circle the darker the colors until they become black. So vice versa the further out go the circle you get the lighter the color is.

I have decided that for the font of my Titles and strap lines I need quite a rough and grungy title so I used the site to find some that would suit my magazine.
I quite like this one as it does look like a grunge title but it might be a bit to grungy and makes it quite hard to read on a coloured background.
I quite like this font, it looks really smudged and really gives the idea that the magazine is about grunge music. I like the effect of some of the letters being bigger than the others it gives a very unstructured title, and this links in with how unstructured grunge music was.
I quite like the bold letters that are textured on this font, the random use of accents also makes the font quite interesting, though this font is a bit to relaxed for my liking.
I really like this font, it really reflects what I was trying to go for with my magazine, though its a bit hard to read.
This font reminds me of a spray paint stencil, though Its quite a good looking font its actually quite hard to read because the spacing between some of the letters is quite far apart.
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